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Approved Minutes, June 13, 2012
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Redevelopment Authority, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday June 13, 2012 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:                       Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                        Chairperson Robert Mitnik, Conrad Baldini, Robert Curran, Russell Vickers
Members Absent:                         Matthew Veno
Others Present:                         Executive Director and City Planner Lynn Duncan
Recorder:                               Jennifer Pennell

Chairperson Robert Mitnik calls the meeting to order. Roll call was taken.

Executive Director’s Report

Lynn Duncan provided an update on the implementation of the parking management plan.

In response to a question about the monthly parking permits, Daniel explained that the passes are hang tags that are valid for one month. They can be purchased at the Parking Office for $25. He further explained that new equipment is being purchased. The new rates in the garages went into effect in May; the other rate changes will go into effect on July 1. Some equipment will still be installed after July 1.

Duncan noted that the outcome to be measured is 15 percent vacancy per block face.

Duncan then gave an update on the pedestrian mall project. She explained that the City is continuing to work with the design team and contractor on timing and pricing. The schedule has not been set yet.

Old/New Business

Sign, Awning, and Lighting Review
  • 24 New Derby Street, Unit 2 (Salem Collective): Discussion and vote on proposed signage.
The Board reviewed a submission dated May 9, 2012 that includes a letter, plans and photos of the proposed signage.

Baldini:  Motion to approve with recommended changes addressed by the DRB, seconded by Vickers. Passes 4-0.

  • 118 Washington Street (Flying Saucer Pizza Company): Discussion and vote on proposed signage
The Board reviewed a submission dated May 9, 2012 that includes a letter, plans and photos of the proposed signage.

Daniel noted that additional detail is required for the review and approval for the 3 dimensional element part of the proposed signage. That element will come back to the DRB and SRA.

For approval tonight is the wall sign and portable sign. The DRB had suggested making the wall sign larger, but if it were larger, it would not fit in the sign band. Thus, the decision was to keep the dimension of the sign as originally proposed.

The portable sign is identical to the one that was approved for Gulu Gulu last month.

Vickers:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Mitnik. Passes 4-0.

  • Two East India Square (Village Tavern): Discussion and vote on proposed signage and outdoor dining area
The Board reviewed a submission dated May 9, 2012 that includes a letter, photos, and plans.

Daniel pointed out the DRB’s comments in reference to the green metal valance with halo lit letters, a wall mounted sign, as well as 8 tables with 4 seats each for the outdoor dining area. Daniel noted that the umbrellas are to be similar to the red of the proposed signage.

Daniel noted that the DRB’s conditions have been included in the revised proposal.

Curran:  Motion to approve as recommended by the DRB, seconded by Vickers. Passes 4-0.

Daniel provided an update on the ArtBox program and distributed a flier.

Duncan reminded the Board that the City had received a $25,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to develop a public art master plan.

Vickers informed the Board that renovation work on the Witch Trials Memorial had begun.

Duncan reminded the Board of the MBTA public hearing for the new station. It will be held June 26 at the Carlton School.

Mitnik noted that he is participating in the Bridge Street Neck Working Group.

Duncan stated the design for Causeway Park (at the end of Bridge Street) is at 75% and may be under construction in 2013.

The minutes from the May 9, 2012 regular meeting were reviewed.

Baldini:  Motion to approve to amended, seconded by Vickers. Passes 4-0.        

Mitnik: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Baldini. Passes 4-0.
Meeting is adjourned at 6:00 pm.